Students have said:

"When you follow the process and do the homework, it's nothing short of life-changing." ~Julie L.

"Alegre & Natascha have taken a concept that has eluded me my whole life and broken it down into really simple, doable steps." ~Michelle L.

"Alegre and Natascha are engaging and fun instructors and are willing to help every step of the way. It really helped me turn my vision for the future into actionable steps I can take right now, and for that I am so very grateful!" ~Sarah M.


Learn to Prioritize Yourself, Save Time, & Accomplish Your Goals

The first step to accomplish anything is to PLAN. Planning is a life goal that will benefit all areas of your life, and we'll teach you how to do it in six sessions.

Each session is about an hour long and has about 30-60 minutes worth of exercises for you to do separately.

We give you three-month access because the sessions build on each other and if you take too much time in between, you'll forget what you learned before. Three months allows you to take one or two weeks in between.

We recommend picking a day/time to do the sessions to help you establish a habit. Sundays at 4pm are a great time because it allows you to plan for the week ahead.